Welcome To Our Site

A huge thank you to the overwhelming response from our community in the Circus Now Community Choice Competition! We are shocked by the number of people who want to support this show and see it brought to more communities!! We were honored to perform at the International Circus Exposure event in New York, Jan 2015. Look for our US tour in Summer and Fall of 2015!

Girls on Trapeze present: HerSelf Rising,
An examination of the roles that women play in their own and each other's lives and the strength and grace it takes to find our true selves.

HerSelf Rising follows 8 strong, independent women as they examine how their personalities, habits and tendencies were shaped by the women who came before them. Through fascinating tales of triumph, perseverance and hope they each uncover their unique family history and personal influences. Told through stories, aerial artistry, acrobatics, flexibility and strength, their powerful yet vulnerable characters are revealed.

"Emotional, funny and drew you in!"
"Through story and body, something grabs the heart, not to let go."
"Teenage girls need to see this - in the front row!"